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Showing 193 to 204 of 313 Records

by Artist

Stephen L. Rhodes
Color etching with aquatint on paper
20th century United States Prints

The Ivory Coast

Ynez Johnston
color etching with aquatint on paper
20th century United States Prints

Trees in Landscape

Luigi Lucini
Etching on paper
20th century Italy Prints

Fleurs Seches

Juvenal Sanso
Etching on paper
20th century Prints

Fleur et Racines

Juvenal Sanso
Etching on paper
20th century Prints

Cathedral Interior

Maltby Sykes
color etching on paper
20th century Prints


Wolfgang Rabl
Etching on paper
20th century Austria Prints


Helene D'Anlau
color etching on paper
20th century France Prints

Exhibition Poster

W. Dean Warnholtz (aka Dean Warnholtz)
etching and letter press on paper
20th century United States Prints

A Matter of Fact

William Strang
etching with aquatint on paper
ca. 19th century England Prints

Bread Upon the Waters

William Strang
etching with aquatint on paper
20th century England Prints

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