Kish Ke Kosh, from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Ma Ka Tai Me She Kia Kiah "Black Hawk", from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
A Chippeway Widow, from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Rant Che Wai Me, from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Keokuk, from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Hoo Wan Ne Ka, from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Okee Maakee Quid, McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Petalesharoo "A Pawnee Brave", from McKenney and Hall "Indian Tribes of North America"
Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "ACQ meeting 2018 (05/31/2018)" and [Objects]Display Artist is "Charles Bird King".
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Last updated: 12/11/2024