Rival Kabuki Troupes Engaged in 'Neck-Pulling' (Yakusha Hyobanki Sugata Kurabe)
Onnagata Arriving at the Theater, from Twelve Months of the Grand Kabuki Theater (Edo Shibai Ichinen)
Three Actors during Kao Mise, from Twelve Months of the Grand Kabuki Theater (Edo Shibai Ichinen)
Kabuki Fight Scene with Pyrotechnics, from Twelve Months of the Grand Kabuki Theater (Edo Shibai Ichinen)
Upstairs in the Theater, from Annual Events of the Edo Theater (Edo Shibai Ichinen)
Kabayama, Head of Naval Command, Onbarod Seikyumaru, Attacks Enemy Ships
The Blackboard, from Twelve Months of the Grand Kabuki Theater (Edo Shibai Ichinen)
Rashomon, from The Short Illustrated History of Japan series
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Last updated: 12/11/2024