Untitled, female torso
Untitled, surgical instruments
Untitled, plaque with twelve character inscription and knife money relief
Untitled, plaque in shape of archaic bell with eight character inscription
Untitled, bronze rectangular 'tally' in form of coin casting mold
Untitled, figure of flying heavenly standard bearer
Untitled, sixteen greek bronze coins
Untitled, bronze oil lamp
Untitled, bronze Hu type vessel with three bands of low-relief animal figures
Untitled [Hu vessel]
Untitled, bronze tripod stand
Untitled, bronze vase with monster mask escutcheons on shoulders
Untitled, socketed implement
Untitled, bronze spoon
Untitled, cult figure
Untitled, cast bronze hammer
Untitled, figure of seated lion on circular base
Untitled, bronze coin with square perforation and two characters on one side
The Miner
Woman with Book
Clothing of the Naked
La jeune catalane (The Young Catalan)
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Last updated: 12/11/2024